When Molly Approached me about taking her family Christmas pictures at the Hudson, WI Target store I wasn't sure exactly what to expect! Taking family pictures (a family with two very young kids) in a retail store sounded a little daunting, I'll be honest. She explained to me why she wanted to have her pictures taken there and then it all made sense. (I'm a Target lover myself so I can appreciate her love of the store.) Target is a weekly integral part of her life so it was just as natural for her to want her pictures there, as it would be for an ocean lover to have their pictures taken by the ocean! Who says that family portraits can't be done in non-traditional spaces? And if someone has an idea and hands me creative freedom with it? I say yes please!
MyReverie Blog
Peruse my blog on tips for taking better pictures, unique photo sessions, and travel just to name a few. If you need to reach out to me, simply fill out my contact form or call me (Rachel Paulus) at 715-245-0239.