You know, although I don't care for cold weather there are some things that I do love because of winter.
My favorite things about winter are:
1.) I get to wear my fav clothing: jeans, comfy sweaters, and boots, for 6 months out of the year.
2.) Warm comfort food, soups, breads, rich desserts.... I think I just gained 5 lbs...
3.) Christmas... my favorite holiday.
That about covers it. :-)
To ease up the monotony of winter I've been mulling over the perfect Mini Session to offer during the two coldest months of the year... January and February. It's, I feel, the perfect amount of time, with just the right price point. I even pulled together a special pricing menu to go along with it. The product pricing is only good towards the mini sessions scheduled in Jan and Feb of this coming year (2015) ;-). Please look over the promotion and if there are any questions left unanswered don't hesitate to contact me via phone/text: (715)245-0239, or email: